Category: Military

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1st Lieutenant Clint Lorance: A U.S. Army Officer’s Controversial Order

Share this: Facebook  Twitter  Reddit  LinkedIn  WhatsApp   Introduction On 2 JUL 2012, US Army 1LT Clint Lorance ordered his soldiers in 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment to fire on three unarmed Afghan men on a motorcycle near their patrol in Strong Point Payenzai, Afghanistan. The military justice system retains a legal and moral obligation to investigate all civilian-casualty incidents involving […]

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Free Essays Military

Battle Analysis of the Falkland Islands

  FALKLAND ISLANDS BATTLE ANALYSIS The battle of the Falkland Island was an undeclared war in 1982 from 2 April to 14 June between the United Kingdom and Argentina. The conflict lasted ten weeks and ended with the Argentine surrender on 14 June, returning the islands to British control.[1] The battle also was basically the last complete […]

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Free Essays Military

Biological Weapons: Developments, Threats, and Biodefense

Share this: Facebook  Twitter  Reddit  LinkedIn  WhatsApp   Biological weapons are tools made to hurt a large number of people via bacteria, toxins, and viruses (Riedel). The use of biological weapons has been going on for millennia, starting with the use of dead bodies that could be thrown at others to infect the enemy (Riedel). Now, as technology becomes increasingly advanced […]

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Free Essays Military

Challenges for Female Services in the Male Dominated Military

Share this: Facebook  Twitter  Reddit  LinkedIn  WhatsApp   The United States military comprises of both genders and various racial and ethnic groups, but it still mainly consists of White males. In today’s military, racial minorities make up about 30% of the 2.1 million Depart of Defense (DoD) employees and out of that 2.1 million, females make up about 18% of the […]

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Free Essays Military

Clinical Intervention Paper: Military Sexual Trauma

Clinical Intervention Paper: Military Sexual Trauma Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss and apply prolonged exposure therapy to the case of Harriet.  Prolonged exposure therapy, which is a form of cognitive behavior therapy, is designed to treat posttraumatic stress disorder through two primary treatments, imaginal exposure and in vivo exposure.  Cognitive behavior […]

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